Meteor shower is expected in Tenerife this night and tomorrow

Late night November 12 until dawn November 13, 2015, the North Taurids
Like the South Taurids, the North Taurids meteor shower is long-lasting (October 12 – December 2) but modest, and the peak number is forecast at about 7 meteors per hour. The North and South Taurids combine, however, to provide a nice sprinkling of meteors throughout October and November. Typically, you see the maximum numbers at around midnight, when Taurus the Bull is highest in the sky. Taurid meteors tend to be slow-moving, but sometimes very bright.  In 2015, the new moon comes only one day before the predicted peak, providing a dark sky for the 2015 North Taurid shower.

Tomorrow night we are going with customers Tenerife Host’s customers from France and China to Private VIP Tour to the Teide to meet beautiful sunset and then observe the meteor shower in the place where skies are white of stars.